Wiring a single phase boat lift switch

I need help wiring a boat lift that currently has this switch - https://www.asi-ez.com/member/~P0202499S-RH-EKIT.asp?shop=y&_vsrefdom=wordstream&keyword_session_id=vt~adwords|kt~|mt~|ta~462644528322&gclid=CjwKCAjwzIH7BRAbEiwAoDxxTp-cJl82n5jDu-5x4so-8HlNmxqoT8Zes6jYbYlxo9LUmm9CVSxrsxoCWSoQAvD_BwE

There are 3 wires going into the switch - red/black/orange. Do I run those wires in the relay?


I’m afraid this isn’t my area of expertise, sorry about that.
I think you might get more help from other electronics site on boat lift or motor control.

I have checked the datasheet though, you will need to use a contactor or something else because the boat lift is heavy load, and our receiver’s relay can’t handle it directly.


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