L-KEYCHAIN-1 defective

I just purchased a 2 pack L-keychain-1 and one of the units is clearly defective.

I associated the good remote to my garage door opener with no problems.

Then I associated the defective one with the opener, the lights flashed as they were supposed to, but the remote would not open the door now matter how much I clicked. So I reassociated the opener again, the lights flashed again, this time I got the opener to open a couple of times with double clicks. but after a few goes even that stopped working. (all that time the other opener and original openers worked fine.

So I did the extreme, I blanked the whole system and started from scratch. I tried to associate the defective remote first. It took about ten clicks on the remote before it associated. All 4 other remotes (including the second remote of yours) associated immediately with one click.

I even changed modes and it would not associate at all.

This unit is clearly defective and I would like a replacement.

Our remote might show near range and LED quick flashes when battery is low, so would you please try change battery to see if it works?
Or you can just visit Amazon returns center to see if the order is eligible for return. (all the order shipping and return is handled by Amazon).

Neither remote responds to canceling the factory code.

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