hi there,
i just got my 402u once powered on, speaker was working, once started to change the dip switch speaker make fast beeps(stuck sound) and board become not responding, removing the jumper make it work again, however dip switch is acting weird (sometimes work, other times give different configuration, total crazy)
Sorry for the trouble,
Yes it could be dip switches issue,
Would you please try turn off the receiver -> put all dip switches in OFF position (the tabs in dip switch must be all the way down, not stuck in middle).
Then turn on receiver, to see if it works normally?
When change working mode, just toggle DIP1 & DIP2.
DIP3 & DIP4 should always kept OFF, for common purpose control.
Same issue, all off, turned on relay worked as toggle(by it self)then changed to pulse, connecting the jumper make the board and speak stuck again.
How i can fix that dip switch issue?