202u V6 questions

Hi everyone
So I’m planning on buying this to replace the wireless remote for my wheelchair lift in my van since the company wants over 200 (before install cost) for a new one. The questions i have Is, I know it has only to relays but Im going to need 4 since the lift has 4 operations (deploy, stow, up and down) I’m wondering if the 5v expansion port can be used to expand it by adding 2 more relays via a daughter board? Something like this (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E0NTPP4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TX0PRNZ5NFC029WACT82?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) any help would be appreciated thanks!


I’m afraid not, the 5V port’s typical use is external beeper, it will turn on along with the SIG led.

okay, thanks for the reply! Do you think Solidremote will come out with a 4 relay option? what about the 402u product? it says it has 2 virtual options?

I’m afraid we don’t have plans for 4 channel option.

402u does have 2 additional virtual ports, to connect to external active low relay boards, such as those for Arduino.

Okay well hopefully you’ll come out with one, i’d definitely buy one! I heard great things about your products!

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